The Shaman's Hart
Are you in need of healing emotionally, spiritually, physically? Are you feeling called to learn more about walking a shamanic path? Perhaps you are feeling called to become a healer? I would be honored to hold space for your healing journey.
Shamanic Reiki
Healing Session
Experience a deeply restorative session that will bring healing emotionally, physically, and spiritually while bringing a sense of balance and center.
These sessions include returning balance to your energy centers (chakras). And may also entail soul retrieval and integration, removal of intrusive energies, and cutting of deleterious cords.
* Remote/absentee Shamanic Reiki sessions available.
90 minute session $90
Shamanic Journey
Meet Your Spirit Guide
Through active meditation techniques known as journeying, you will be guided to meet your personal guardian spirit. Your helping spirit guide has always been with you and is patiently waiting for you to reach out.
60 - 90 minute session $90
Ceremonial Officiant
Many couples today are looking for a deeply meaningful and spiritual ceremony free from the ties of "religion".
I am a certified wedding officiant in New York state and would consider it a privilege to meet with you and create the perfect ceremony that evokes who you truly are and honors the new beginning you are embarking upon.
Fees range between $200 - $500 depending travel distance
Land Blessing
The beginning of a healthy relationship with the earth that you reside on should begin with a land blessing.
Intention is what directs the energy of the land. Our intention should always be to honor the ancestors who have lived here before us as well as all the sentient life that is on this property.
I will come to you and offer Shamanic Reiki blessings to the land through ceremony and the use of sacred tools.
60 + minute session $90
Home Blessings & Cleansings
Just as one would physically clean their home, cleansing and clearing out stagnant energy is also very important. Energetic "gunk" can become stuck in and around our homes. This may be energy of past events that have taken place there. This energy is no longer serving and needs to be swept away.
I will come to you with shamanic tools and perform a beautiful sacred ceremony for bringing in light and recharging your space.
60 + minute session $90
Divination through Tarot
Tarot cards are a powerful tool for guidance, direction, and to help you make important decisions in your everyday life.
(Readings can be done in person, over the phone, or via text. I am also available to come to you if you would like to get a few people together for readings.)
Basic tarot reading (30 min.) $45
In depth tarot reading (60 min.) $75
In home group readings $45/person
(minimum of 5 people)
*Energy healing systems such as Shamanism, Reiki, and Shamanic Reiki are considered complimentary modalities and are not intended to take the place of medical treatment from licensed medical professionals.*